It's sometimes necessary to lighten or remove previous tattooing / PMU, break up scar tissue, or remove pigment migration from surrounding skin tissues. To avoid damage, tattoo removal must be done safety and efficiently. Rachel at Victory Ink is the only artist in our region expertly trained in the Xtract Ink Chelation pigment removal method. Xtract is non-surgical, non-saline, and non-laser removal, using powerful, holistic ingredients to safely trap and remove pigments, heavy metals, and toxins from your skin, and break up scar tissue. Xtract is widely considered the industry's SAFEST and most efficient method for pigment removal and is also the only approved method for ink allergy. Unlike saline or laser removal methods, Xtract works beautifully on every single skin tone and type, and every pigment color without damaging delicate tissues, hair follicles, or overwhelming the immune system. The patented medical-grade skin care and removal formulas were created to naturally nourish, protect, and improve the skin! Xtract is truly an incredible service! A topical anesthetic is used during procedure for your comfort.
Consultations are required prior to booking Xtract removal so that we can develop a specific service plan together. We can't wait to meet you!

- If you are feeling ill, have taken antibiotics within 14 days, or have a blemish or sunburn in the procedure area on the day of your appointment, please contact us to reschedule.To avoid serious complications, do not use brow growth serums within 60 days of a brow removal appointment. Xtract removal is strictly prohibited if Accutane has been used within 2 years. Services are also prohibited if Doxycycline antibiotics have been taken within 3 months of procedure. Please book accordingly.
- Please avoid antihistamines and NSAIDs (ibuprofen, tylenol, etc), smoking on the day of your appointment.
- PMU or removal services are not recommended for those undergoing chemotherapy, radiation or immunotherapy treatment, those on prednisone / steroids, or blood thinners, for women who are pregnant or nursing, or those with MRSA, blood borne or contagious illness, discoid lupus, or who have a history of facial shingles. Our services should be avoided within 2 weeks of any vaccination or surgical procedure. (**Clients with any immune condition, anemia, diabetes, systemic lupus, or previous cancer history MUST bring a dr. note to the appt authorizing procedure.**)
- It is important to the integrity of the skin that 6 full weeks of healing take place between lightening sessions. No exceptions. Successful removal of unwanted pigment requires patience and participation with mandatory after care. The number of sessions needed will depend on the individual's immune system, how saturated the brow pigment is, how deep it was implanted and how much needs to be removed. In many cases only a percentage of the pigment needs to be lightened/removed and then we can continue the restoration process by recreating fresh, beautiful brows.
- $375 per session for brow removal, which includes after care supplies. Clients are also required to purchase the Xtract Repair Serum to continue the at-home portion of ink chelation and removal!